Although this week I've fought a cold and loss of energy, I feel like I am starting over again with many areas of my life. We've finished one commitment for school and it is very freeing; it gives me time at home that I haven't had for months. I am so happy to be home again. I can't say how much I missed being home during the day, in the evenings, on Saturdays. I missed planning out our school days, reading and discussing our books, cooking dinner for my family, sitting quietly in the evenings with a hobby, book, or movie.
So I begin our home routines again. I look forward to being home on Saturdays, even if it means I'm cleaning the house. I've used this week as a catch up on sleep and recuperating from a cold, but I know that I have the rest of the month to get back to normal. I'm excited about normal days of home life. I missed them.