New ways of doing old things are fascinating but daunting to me. Sometimes it just seems too time consuming to learn a new way (like the saying about old dogs and new tricks infers), but if we never learn anything new, how can we stay in touch with the majority of people who know these things?
So I'll try something new, as long as the learning curve isn't too steep and the benefits outweigh the initial frustration or confusion. I'm not at all tech-savvy, but this one was pretty easy---after I reset my gmail password because I couldn't remember it (2-step verification) to one I use on another account so I wouldn't forget it, even though I had to make sure I was remembering that one correctly by signing in to that account on a computer that had to verify it was me because it didn't recognize the device (another 2-step verification), then completing my sign in on the blogger app. Not too steep, just time-consuming.