Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Love Letters


Yesterday was my anniversary.  Not my wedding anniversary, but the anniversary of Bryan and my engagement.   Bryan remembers the date and wishes me a happy anniversary most of the 23 years since we were engaged. My wish from him yesterday was a text message because we were both so busy with the day
As if remembering the date of our engagement wasn't romantic enough, today he sent me a letter holding a memory of the past and a reminder that God sovereignly appoints the person who will become flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone.
You know a letter from your husband is going to be a treasure to keep when you begin reading it with a laugh and a smile and end reading it with tears streaming down your face--sweet tears of joy, blessing, and thankfulness.
You know your husband is pouring out his heart  and cares about the condition of yours when he stops periodically in his narrative to tell you to 'be patient,' to remind you that what he just wrote happened 'before I met you', and to prepare you for the gush of love and tears by stating parenthetically, 'Here is where the love note really takes off'.
You know your husband is the one and only man who God has blessed you with when he calls you 'mesmerizingly beautiful'.  He counts the days we have been married (8,152--he actually counted!) as days of great joy because we are together.
I regret to say that the letters Bryan and I wrote to each other when were apart the summer before we were engaged are long gone.  I cherish the notes and letters he sends me now.  I still have a check for a million dollars he wrote to me before we were married that was postmarked 10 years into the future--he wanted to share everything with me--and the check reminds me of his romantic way of telling me.
Now I keep the notes, cards and letters from him, but I don't need a note every day (although we do write to each other almost every day) to know that God's gift to me in my husband is to be treasured as long as we live.

1 comment:

Klaz said...


Thank you for giving to the world a glimpse into the love that we have for one another. I so truly love you too. But I am sorry, for the only way that I can truly thank you for what you wrote can only be given in person.

Love, me.